Parque das Nações

Meeting Expo, Parque das Nações in Lisbon

In July 12, 2014 was a very important date for us. We all those who love and respect the future of this great and beautiful race!
It was possible, above all, thanks to the efforts of our dear friends Arminda Brooks Paul Fogle and Pedro Mauricio, that even under a day promised to be hot, had the audacity to go out and share with the rest of the world the beautiful dogs have.
Were only five copies, yes it's true, but the impact it had was huge! Proof of this are the numerous approaches we all curious to ask this lovely dog great was that!
I think the pictures may also be illuminating the amount of people who came for some time to take pictures and ask, pat and talk to the owners.
And all the stars! The Aramis sober, the sweet Loaded, alligator, in yellow, sweet, calm and Emy.
The doubts of many transeutes out. And we did our part. Discloses the CGT, the unknown giant of Lisbon!
To the next! But because there will be much appreciated!

Thank you all!

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